Storm forward Dayne Weston has been nominated for the prestigious Ken Stephen Medal for his significant contribution to the community through Rugby League.
Vote for Dayne here!
Dayne's involvement with the Wadja Aboriginal Family Place at the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital demonstrates his dedication to his local community.
In 2014, Dayne proactively approached the team at Wadja with the sole purpose of, in his own words, "giving something back to the community and putting smiles on the children's faces".
The program pairs case workers with Indigenous children who have travelled to the hospital for treatment, assuring they are helped in a way that is sensitive to their cultural and healthcare needs.
Going above and beyond the call of duty, Dayne has devoted a significant amount of time visiting patients' bedsides, sharing stories and providing emotional support to sick children and their families. Dayne mentors the children and promotes a holistic approach to their health, whilst still paying respect to Koori cultural values.
To vote for Dayne and view the other nominees for the 2015 Ken Stephen Medal, please click here.