Following the State Premier’s announcement at the weekend further easing restrictions for community sport, a meeting was conducted with the NRL Victoria Advisory Panel to determine a 2020 competition schedule.
Competition dates for 2020 are confirmed as follows:
Round 1 Under 6s to Under 17s: Saturday July 11
Round 1 Senior Men, Senior Women and Under 20s: Saturday July 25
Grand Final: Saturday October 17
Minimum number of rounds:
Under 6s to Under 12s: 12 rounds plus 1 end of season gala day
Under 13s to Under 14s: 12 rounds plus 1 week final series
Under 15s to Under 17s: 12 rounds plus 3 week final series
:Seniors and Under 20s: 10 rounds plus 3 week final series
From Monday 22 June full contact training can commence for Under 17 age group and below. There are no restrictions on contact, type of training, or numbers training in a group if the persons are in or below the Under 17 age group.
Full contact training for persons in age groups higher than Under 17 is not permitted until Monday July 13. Training for these age groups can continue to operate but under the same current restrictions until further notice.
Competition age groups are currently left open to what was planned pre-COVID shutdown. NRL Victoria are working with clubs and NRL Victoria Advisory Panel regarding competition structures.
We encourage you to register as early as possible as this assists in competition planning.
NRL Victoria fees charged to clubs have always been set to cover insurance costs only, and this insurance cost to clubs still ends up being subsidised by NRL Victoria. We are working with the insurer about possible review fees.
NRL Victoria encourages everyone to download the Australian Government COVIDSafe app to assist the government in being able to make decisions on further easing of restrictions.
I again thank you for your patience and ongoing resilience. We are excited that Rugby League will be back on very shortly! We look forward to seeing you all out on the field and at our clubs very soon.
Brent Silva
NRL Victoria - General Manager